by ljt79 | Aug 20, 2018 | Seam Ripper, Stretching & Sweating
….is a vast improvement on writer’s block 😉 I knew about drafting patterns from blocks – basic pattern pieces with an overall shape, but that can be adapted for lots of projects – but had never had a go myself. I’ve been a fan of pattern...
by ljt79 | Jun 23, 2018 | Seam Ripper
A common complaint among the runners I know is that shorts are always too short! Chaffing is a problem for people of all sizes and for lots of us 5″ inseams aren’t long enough; meaning a long run can result in very sore inner thighs… Of the skorts... by ljt79 | Jun 23, 2018 | Stretching & Sweating
I had forgotten I had said I would do this and it crept up on me a bit… I probably wouldn’t have done an 11 mile run two days beforehand if I had remembered! Although it was an 8pm start, it was a humid evening so felt like hard work, but it was really... by ljt79 | May 28, 2018 | Stretching & Sweating, Two Tunnels 10k - Gap
OK, so I had to delay yesterday’s run to today (thank goodness for bank holidays!) because of a horrible headache. I learnt the hard way that I’m not someone who can run off a headache so I didn’t have a lot of choice… It will make it a long... by ljt79 | May 28, 2018 | Two Tunnels 10k - Gap
Thank you for donating to Greyhound Gap! It means a lot to me and Jon (I’d say Arthur, but he may not have noticed 😉 ) and even more to the amazing people at Gap whose work you have supported. Here’s another Arthur pic to keep you...
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